Friday, March 25, 2011


Armando Rivera
Mandy's blog was pretty resumed I liked the fact that he has all the real names used correctly. Most of the content is based on the real facts. Overall his essay had good details although it might need a little more facts about what had happen maybe as a story.

Christian Morales
Christian's blog had most of the facts in history. He did not only posted resumed stuff  he gave a content which was full of true history facts. This was not only part of the story he even told how they lived.

Christopher Guzman
This blog is good. It had almost no details about the real story. It was overall very resumed.

Nestor Flores
This blog was full of history, pretty much every detail is in here. I liked this one a lot because I couldn't have read a story or looked ata a movie to understand what happened. This is a good blog for new comers that need to learn about this story.

Carol Sanchez
Carol had a good idea on mostly talking about the Ghost Dance which was an important figure for the indians. She also talked about how the people was ignorant and this is rarely true because the abuse is pretty much ignorance.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Native Americans and the Loss of their Culture!

             The Native Americans were the first one to truely settle the Americas. Much of them lived in communities as farmers and hunters. They lived peacefully and in groups. Everything changed then when others came to claim land. Although at first the Native Americans and the white men, also known as European, used to get along well. A name for all the tribe are called Sioux, this breaks up to three well known Native Americans groups, the Dakota, Lakota and Nakota. Everything changed when the white men wanted more and needed land.
           By 1862 a major problem attacked the Dakota because they agreed to live in the reservations but with annuties. Which the government did not contribute. Angry Dakota attacked leading to the Red Cloud's war of 1866-1868.The white men wanted more land wanted minerals. President Grant demanded the land as soon as possible. Their ideas was to make reservations for the Indians. Many Indians disliked the idea. They wanted to story because of their culture.
           The idea which they wanted to divide the land into reservations. The land was divides into two reservations. One was Pine Ridge and the other was Standing Rock. Some Indians did not want to live there because of their culture. They wanted there dignity and pride not just to surrender. Sitting Bull was mad because of his and his tribe's pride grew over them and did not want to surrender against the white men. Then they moved to Canada and were treated in good ways. They had their land and rights but they could not interfere with the other tribes. Many troops died and moved back because of the rural and harsh climate. Then Sitting Bull had no choice to surrender when one of his relative died because of the treatments in Canada. Sitting Bull realized he had lost and moved to the reservation.
            Sitting Bull born a leader was now surrendering to the white men which controled everything without a protest. Sitting Bulll accompanied by his small amount of troops claimed to live in the reservation due to the lost of their relatives. Arriving at Standing Rock Reservation Sitting Bull finds himself with his son which he was now working for them as a police officer in the reservation and almost lost in the white men ways. The Lakota were not just to iving like this at all nothing was the same from raising crops to hunting their food. Sitting Bull as his nature to lead his troops demanded to be the leader of the reservation but things was just not how he wanted this reservation was owned by  General William S. Harney which was not an easy man to go through. Sitting Bull fighting and fighting for their rights landed into consequences between the Indians and the white men. This seperation ended as massacre. Troop soldiers runned by General Harney went to claim Sittin Bull and aggravated his family leading to the first rifle shot done by an Indian. This shot concluded into a massacre in December 1890 were Sitting Bull was killed and so was many of other Indians.
             Many movies where they show Indians are savages and killed many people are so called stereotypes. The white men and the Indians used to get  along good I mean real good. Yes they had their differences but not like other movies and stories say about cowboys and Indians those are just lies to entertain. The massacre of the wounded knee is a true story for sure but this is just with the Lakotas no more than others. The struggle was tough but at the end of a rain storm there is always a rainbow.