Monday, April 18, 2011


Nestor's blog was very convincing because he thought deeply about the rights of disabled people. His amendement was very powerful and should be done.

This blog can be more convincing since it was too short though he had a reason for the teeneage amendment.

Her blog did mention a lot fo rights fro prisoners and they do need freedom but only the innocent prisoners other should attend their penalties.

 I understand  that she feels sorry for the criminals but they did their worst without mercy they should pay what they broke.

I agree with her because although elder people have disabilities they should run, jump, drive and do what they feel like just because they are the same as us just older. They can be smarter than young people thats a start!

Part of his blog is true because most of the attacks muslims are blamed just for their way of living but he should explain more things and he left ut the proposal.

I agree because everybody should have equality no matter the race. They have the reason to complain their problems.

She has all the right to make this proposal and it was convincing to me and it will be to others. They would understand students are trying to make money for their schools.

His blog although it was not that long it explained a lot. His proposal stated a lot of rights for veterans.

Many muslims are being denied and this is very bad because their race have nothign to do with the attack it is the same as not letting a white person to go to Africa because he killed a black man this is no t right.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Equality for all!

The world needs a change where everything and everyone lives peaceful and full of hope. The important hope of all humans is the discrimination. The discrimination is everywhere in the world and people suffer from it. We need to make a change and make a proposal for all human equality and this includes most for African Americans who are also humans which are also the same.

African Americans have been discriminated all their lives and they are still discriminated against. Although the new era has come but people do not accept that they are equal and it is said in every civil right law. Now what we need is a new amendment for equality that convinces everybody to follow this amendment. There are many rights for African American and they do use them wisely but some other races just do not get that they are the same as them just different colors. A new amendment would be that "African Americans need equality and discrimination is not allowed for every discriminated act you will be arrested for 10 years". This amendment may not look tough enough but yes this could be a law just like bullying.

To conclude a proposal is to make sure that everybody in US follows this amendment and can make this strong enough to be a law which everyone must follow. The result to convince is to follow this and make sure to know the consequences that can happen. Inform your fellow neighbors, relatives, friends and US citizens so we can make a change to discrimination.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The fight for the right!

   Changes ocurred during the time Martin Luther King Jr. led the movement for new civil rights and equality for all. The civil rights movement should have contributed evrry race but this was not actually what have happened. Many of the rights were not followed in some states. Most of the african american rights were ignored and put aside just to keep treating them like they were nothing.

   The rights were emeged in a lot of states. The fourteenth ammendement was the one to protect the african americans. This right includes racial segregation, voter suppression, denial of economic opportunities and public or private terroristic violence. Discrimination was pesent worldwide but it was most specified in the Southern region and states. A civil rights movement was known as the NAACP which was a group trying to abolish discrimination against any other race but especially to African Americans. Another civil righst movement was the Brown vs. Board of Education of 1954 which then made segretation legally impermissible. Many things led to difference of equality. The civil right act of 1965 banned every discrimination of public or private employment to everyone. Also the voting right was over and everybody could vote no matter the race.

Those all were changes that made segregation banned and equal to everybody. The civil rights movement changed the US. African American can know live in peace and with equality for the rest of their lives. There is no discrimination allowed anymore.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

   African americans have been discriminated in many ways since they first came to US. African Americans have dealt with slavery in a lot of ways. They are still being discriminated against and some racists still run around trying to be like the past. They wish to live in peace and with every single equal right they should have.
    The first struggle was to get out of slavery. They did not fight for their rights in that instant they needed it. The only way to get out of the slavery was from the help of the president which was Lincoln in that time. After the slavery act, they had some equal rights but there was much more than those few they had. They could work and go to school but some still were servants and much did not have those privilages. One discrimination movement was from Rosa Park who was arrested for sitting in the white area of the bus. She and other African Americans helped to struggle out of that court with the equal right of sitting where ever they wanted. They tried to resist discrimination by forming communities and groups such as NAACP. This helped although discrimination was still in hand up until the 1900's. The most important event was the movement held by Martin Luther King Jr. which was one of the most important events for black history.

   They struggled to get out of that hole of pain and suffer because of the discrimination and civil rights equality. African American were peaceful just because if something was wrong they had to pay for everything. Although people say violence starts with the color black this could only have happened because the white provoced it.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Suffering :(


    Ever since the first Africans sent foot to the "New World" they became slaves and this slaves were mistreted and struggling for happiness. For centuries African Americans have been treated as a second-class citizens by the United States. Actually they did not considered citizens at all. Africans were always mistreated since they moved to America. They lived poorly since they were slaves and lived harshly. The only ways Americans treated their slaves was with anger and pain.

   Slaves were whipped and treated harshly by their owners because everybody saw them as animals or savages. They used to have to rights at all, they were not considered citizen nor humans. After the slave era  the North allowed them to have rights and considered citizens they even were part of the army. The South still had slaves and Lincoln was trying to abolish it. Then the South and North united, so more and more rights were done for African Americans. The white people were angered and offended black people even to the point that they had to use violence. Many African Americans were hurt and murdered because the white people did not accepted them. One of the most violent events against colored people was the KKK which killed and tortured many colored people because of their race. After the KKK fell African Americans were free with no worries of being harmed.

Now they have rights and yes some are fewer but they have more since they first step foot in US. They had some restrictions like sitting in front of a bus or  trying to argue with a white men but this is all done thanks to the black community which got out from the hole they were in fighting for their rights. One true leader was Martin Luther King Jr. which helped his community to have more rights and be respected. Now they live equally to other although some perople do not agree with this

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

  African Americans have been present ever since the late 1600's. They have been through a lot, from pain to liberty and happiness. They first where brought to America as slaves and where distributed around the world but only as slaves. They came from Africa and Europeans also Americans captured them and used them as laborers for their works. Through out time they became a group used all over America.
 The first group of African Americans landed in America in 1619 and were sold my Dutch men to the settlers at Jamestown. In the 17th century there was over 1,300,000 Africans in U.S. This group have lived in Africa ever since the first human beings. Africans were only used for labors. They were slave for settlers who needed help and then continued on being a distribution of workers. Africans then bbecame a group thanks to the use they were utilized, as slaves. Ever since they came in US they became a group. Africans throughout Africa were normal people but since they were brought to US they were mistreated and seen as savages. They had no rights, no life or no reason to live like other white men. Actually they were treated worse than animals. Pretty much said this group of Africans were not strong at all until years later. By research African American made up a percentage of 12.5% but that was up to 2005 now it should be at least 30%.

  Africans treated as useless people in those years are now seen as a powerful group. They were held up to 1865 were then they had their rights and interests to live in. The black community grew up a lot by the 1800's. Where many Black heroes led a difference to their community. By these people the community was able to get put that gutter and into a world with equality and reasonable rights.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Armando Rivera
Mandy's blog was pretty resumed I liked the fact that he has all the real names used correctly. Most of the content is based on the real facts. Overall his essay had good details although it might need a little more facts about what had happen maybe as a story.

Christian Morales
Christian's blog had most of the facts in history. He did not only posted resumed stuff  he gave a content which was full of true history facts. This was not only part of the story he even told how they lived.

Christopher Guzman
This blog is good. It had almost no details about the real story. It was overall very resumed.

Nestor Flores
This blog was full of history, pretty much every detail is in here. I liked this one a lot because I couldn't have read a story or looked ata a movie to understand what happened. This is a good blog for new comers that need to learn about this story.

Carol Sanchez
Carol had a good idea on mostly talking about the Ghost Dance which was an important figure for the indians. She also talked about how the people was ignorant and this is rarely true because the abuse is pretty much ignorance.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Native Americans and the Loss of their Culture!

             The Native Americans were the first one to truely settle the Americas. Much of them lived in communities as farmers and hunters. They lived peacefully and in groups. Everything changed then when others came to claim land. Although at first the Native Americans and the white men, also known as European, used to get along well. A name for all the tribe are called Sioux, this breaks up to three well known Native Americans groups, the Dakota, Lakota and Nakota. Everything changed when the white men wanted more and needed land.
           By 1862 a major problem attacked the Dakota because they agreed to live in the reservations but with annuties. Which the government did not contribute. Angry Dakota attacked leading to the Red Cloud's war of 1866-1868.The white men wanted more land wanted minerals. President Grant demanded the land as soon as possible. Their ideas was to make reservations for the Indians. Many Indians disliked the idea. They wanted to story because of their culture.
           The idea which they wanted to divide the land into reservations. The land was divides into two reservations. One was Pine Ridge and the other was Standing Rock. Some Indians did not want to live there because of their culture. They wanted there dignity and pride not just to surrender. Sitting Bull was mad because of his and his tribe's pride grew over them and did not want to surrender against the white men. Then they moved to Canada and were treated in good ways. They had their land and rights but they could not interfere with the other tribes. Many troops died and moved back because of the rural and harsh climate. Then Sitting Bull had no choice to surrender when one of his relative died because of the treatments in Canada. Sitting Bull realized he had lost and moved to the reservation.
            Sitting Bull born a leader was now surrendering to the white men which controled everything without a protest. Sitting Bulll accompanied by his small amount of troops claimed to live in the reservation due to the lost of their relatives. Arriving at Standing Rock Reservation Sitting Bull finds himself with his son which he was now working for them as a police officer in the reservation and almost lost in the white men ways. The Lakota were not just to iving like this at all nothing was the same from raising crops to hunting their food. Sitting Bull as his nature to lead his troops demanded to be the leader of the reservation but things was just not how he wanted this reservation was owned by  General William S. Harney which was not an easy man to go through. Sitting Bull fighting and fighting for their rights landed into consequences between the Indians and the white men. This seperation ended as massacre. Troop soldiers runned by General Harney went to claim Sittin Bull and aggravated his family leading to the first rifle shot done by an Indian. This shot concluded into a massacre in December 1890 were Sitting Bull was killed and so was many of other Indians.
             Many movies where they show Indians are savages and killed many people are so called stereotypes. The white men and the Indians used to get  along good I mean real good. Yes they had their differences but not like other movies and stories say about cowboys and Indians those are just lies to entertain. The massacre of the wounded knee is a true story for sure but this is just with the Lakotas no more than others. The struggle was tough but at the end of a rain storm there is always a rainbow.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Nestor...The Super Ultra Kuririn Blog!
What was interesting in nestor's blog was his heritage from where his family came from. Who knew he is party Italian. It was interesting how his ancestors come from Italy, France,and Germany. His artivle was also interesting because it is about a woman visiting for the fisrt time New York. It was good!

Itza...Computer Cat Blog!
I liked Itze's blog heritage because I did not know she was born in Mexico although I knew that her last name was Mexican. Out of the information I really like her blog's background it is cool I should make mines like that. Knowing that she was Mexican and half Spanish is different and the difference is unique!

Christian...Christian's World Blog!
His blog is just like mines. He does not have a mix rare fmily heritage it is Puerto Rican just like mines. I liked his video of Obama there is not much videos og Obama claiming about a better immigration proccess.

Christopher...Hay Luly Blog!
I liked Christopher's because the video is a conflict between illegal immigration. It was interesting!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Family...My Place!

How to start with my culture's immigration heritage? Well I was born here in Puerto Rico so was the rest of my family. I believe we all Puerto Ricans have indian and spanish heritage. Most of my mothers part of the family are pure Puerto Ricans, most of them come from Guayama, Patillas and Arroyo. My father's side is pretty much mixed because my father was born in Spain but he was raised in Puerto Rico. Living conditions of my ancestors have changed a lot for sure. They got their money by planting and raising crops but now everything has change to a more modern job i the city. Today we still live in Guayama and study here and my family works here, I hope we keep on like this.

See we Puerto Ricans immigrate to America for good education or to get money easier because here things are not easy. My father studied in Purdue because his profession needed good preparation. I know my father struggled with the racism and better competition but he needed this for a perfect lifestyle. Yes, he was un comfortable because it was a change in environment. From people to food, everything was different. He now works here in Puerto Rico as a vet. My mother's family most of them come from P.R. they where born, raised, studied and worked in P.R. They still do.

Puerto Rico as you know was first visited by Spaniards but way before Tainos ruled the land. Since this encounter we were mixed with Spanish, African and Taino culture. Immigration of Puerto Ricans to America had the same troubles that all other immigrants had. They were also judged by the color and they still are judged. My ancestors could be from Spanish heritage but there is a 85% is pure Puerto Rican.

My family is pretty united no matter the race or where you come from. There is no judgement here. We will stay in our Puerto Rico although problems come because we are true from where we are from. Puerto Rico " La isla del encanto" will never change so will our people!

Tae Yoon and his immigration experience for a better lifestyle...

Tae Yoon talks about his experience immigrating to America in 1988. It is so interesting of how people struggle like Tae Yoon's family to immigrate to a better place just for the good of their families. The sadest part of immigrating is leaving your other family behind. An example of that is how Tae Yoon explains in his video of how his brother could not immigrate with them because he was not a minor, he was already 22 years old and he could not immigrate with them. I do not understand how people  who work at the government do not see how muych people who immigrate suffers. I know that it is the right of the country to be protected but with a simple interview of a family is enough to break your heart. I do not want to imagine how they leave everything behind and then cannot enter, making their effort worth nothing. Tae Yoon had a rough time in America he even says why can't we all be united as one. I believe just like any country America is a place for family and union no matter what race you have or no matter where you come from there should only be one love between everybody. The government should remember that people who immigrate with their children and family are immigrating for the best. They want a better life, they do not want anything else than that!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Journey to a New World!

My story based on events which none of you could ever expect by just moving to another country. My name is Lin Wen and this is my journey. As I grew in a small village in China named Yanshuo in Guanxi, China. This is a small village in China which there are many commercials but see my father wanted us to become important workers not like the rest of the village. My father worked his way out of China leaving us in this small village. He sent us letters of pictures from New York and other places. I always wanted to go with him but my mom always said not until we are verified and good enough to go. The big news came and I was 9 years old. We are going to America!

My father sent us a letter full of english words. I learned all of them in weeks, I was so excited to go to America and now I know a little english I am ready to go! My mother gave the house to my grandma and left all her stuff in charge with grandma. Mother and I walked to the city then took a train to Hong Kong. We stayed in Hong Kong and it was a dream which I never wanted to wake up. People, entertainment and music was everywhere! This was the first time I even heard a strange man named Bob Marley in a little coffee shop. Time runed out and it was time to travel to America!

We traveled my boat and I hated it. The wobbles, the water and just everything around was so boring. My mother told me that when we get there to never call her mother just call her by her name. I studied my list of english sentences. The most hardest was " I want to go to America to become a laborer and help me from the poorness in China". That sentence did get on my nerves. Now the time has come, we are finally in America! 

We first landed in a small island named Angel Island we were kept here for 3 weeks. I was interviewed so was mom. Wr finally got accepted as if this was a university and now we are in New York. My father and my mother works at a restaurant and I am going to school. School is tuff many people do not accept me. Racism is hard here but we will soon get along and every little thing is going to be allright!

China in America!

Jack Chen one of the immigrants...
Chinese immigrated to the US because the over population in China and most of them lived poorly and needed better jobs. They also wanted to live with their families in better places for more possibilities. Some also came to America for the "Gold Mountain". Others left China either as contract laborers or refugees. Most of their immigration purpose were similar to those of most immigrants of other countries. Most of them left from being peasents to become laborers.

Most of them had to travel by foot, boat, and trains. When they landed in America they had to be inspected in Angel Island and if they had good answers in their interviews they could enter America.They would have to wait weeks even months. While waiting they were put in bars and poor habitats. Some were sent back to China just because their interviews were not educated or did not have a good reason to immigrate.

First immigrants were received well in America. They were even working in good jobs. After the Gold Rush ended beacuse of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882. They were recruited to extract metals and minerals, also to construct railroads, build irrigation system and even in fishery. By the first period America had over 110,000 Chinese immigrants. However, Americans started to exclude them because of their good working skills. They ended up in poor jobs like laboring, shoecleaners, and grocery stores. Because of their segregation they made their own community called "Chinatown". Chinatown was a community in which they had all their rights with their culture and traditions.  With this they had their way out of the racism and seperation.

The segregation of the Chinese people was very wrong. Chinese immigrants had trouble to fit in at America but they worked their way out of there. It was unfair to make them go for so much pain not physically but mentally by seeing there children go through a lot. If I were one of this immigrants i would feel powerful for all the things I went through just to move. I would take this moment as a legend in my family because I had brought them to a better place. Immigration has been in this world since, well since the world started. People who immigrate have to take a challenge with their faith because sometimes you can do it but sometimes to immigrate is not for you.