Nestor's blog was very convincing because he thought deeply about the rights of disabled people. His amendement was very powerful and should be done.
This blog can be more convincing since it was too short though he had a reason for the teeneage amendment.
Her blog did mention a lot fo rights fro prisoners and they do need freedom but only the innocent prisoners other should attend their penalties.
I understand that she feels sorry for the criminals but they did their worst without mercy they should pay what they broke.
I agree with her because although elder people have disabilities they should run, jump, drive and do what they feel like just because they are the same as us just older. They can be smarter than young people thats a start!
Part of his blog is true because most of the attacks muslims are blamed just for their way of living but he should explain more things and he left ut the proposal.
I agree because everybody should have equality no matter the race. They have the reason to complain their problems.
She has all the right to make this proposal and it was convincing to me and it will be to others. They would understand students are trying to make money for their schools.
His blog although it was not that long it explained a lot. His proposal stated a lot of rights for veterans.
Many muslims are being denied and this is very bad because their race have nothign to do with the attack it is the same as not letting a white person to go to Africa because he killed a black man this is no t right.
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