Thursday, April 14, 2011

The fight for the right!

   Changes ocurred during the time Martin Luther King Jr. led the movement for new civil rights and equality for all. The civil rights movement should have contributed evrry race but this was not actually what have happened. Many of the rights were not followed in some states. Most of the african american rights were ignored and put aside just to keep treating them like they were nothing.

   The rights were emeged in a lot of states. The fourteenth ammendement was the one to protect the african americans. This right includes racial segregation, voter suppression, denial of economic opportunities and public or private terroristic violence. Discrimination was pesent worldwide but it was most specified in the Southern region and states. A civil rights movement was known as the NAACP which was a group trying to abolish discrimination against any other race but especially to African Americans. Another civil righst movement was the Brown vs. Board of Education of 1954 which then made segretation legally impermissible. Many things led to difference of equality. The civil right act of 1965 banned every discrimination of public or private employment to everyone. Also the voting right was over and everybody could vote no matter the race.

Those all were changes that made segregation banned and equal to everybody. The civil rights movement changed the US. African American can know live in peace and with equality for the rest of their lives. There is no discrimination allowed anymore.

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