Friday, February 18, 2011


Nestor...The Super Ultra Kuririn Blog!
What was interesting in nestor's blog was his heritage from where his family came from. Who knew he is party Italian. It was interesting how his ancestors come from Italy, France,and Germany. His artivle was also interesting because it is about a woman visiting for the fisrt time New York. It was good!

Itza...Computer Cat Blog!
I liked Itze's blog heritage because I did not know she was born in Mexico although I knew that her last name was Mexican. Out of the information I really like her blog's background it is cool I should make mines like that. Knowing that she was Mexican and half Spanish is different and the difference is unique!

Christian...Christian's World Blog!
His blog is just like mines. He does not have a mix rare fmily heritage it is Puerto Rican just like mines. I liked his video of Obama there is not much videos og Obama claiming about a better immigration proccess.

Christopher...Hay Luly Blog!
I liked Christopher's because the video is a conflict between illegal immigration. It was interesting!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Family...My Place!

How to start with my culture's immigration heritage? Well I was born here in Puerto Rico so was the rest of my family. I believe we all Puerto Ricans have indian and spanish heritage. Most of my mothers part of the family are pure Puerto Ricans, most of them come from Guayama, Patillas and Arroyo. My father's side is pretty much mixed because my father was born in Spain but he was raised in Puerto Rico. Living conditions of my ancestors have changed a lot for sure. They got their money by planting and raising crops but now everything has change to a more modern job i the city. Today we still live in Guayama and study here and my family works here, I hope we keep on like this.

See we Puerto Ricans immigrate to America for good education or to get money easier because here things are not easy. My father studied in Purdue because his profession needed good preparation. I know my father struggled with the racism and better competition but he needed this for a perfect lifestyle. Yes, he was un comfortable because it was a change in environment. From people to food, everything was different. He now works here in Puerto Rico as a vet. My mother's family most of them come from P.R. they where born, raised, studied and worked in P.R. They still do.

Puerto Rico as you know was first visited by Spaniards but way before Tainos ruled the land. Since this encounter we were mixed with Spanish, African and Taino culture. Immigration of Puerto Ricans to America had the same troubles that all other immigrants had. They were also judged by the color and they still are judged. My ancestors could be from Spanish heritage but there is a 85% is pure Puerto Rican.

My family is pretty united no matter the race or where you come from. There is no judgement here. We will stay in our Puerto Rico although problems come because we are true from where we are from. Puerto Rico " La isla del encanto" will never change so will our people!

Tae Yoon and his immigration experience for a better lifestyle...

Tae Yoon talks about his experience immigrating to America in 1988. It is so interesting of how people struggle like Tae Yoon's family to immigrate to a better place just for the good of their families. The sadest part of immigrating is leaving your other family behind. An example of that is how Tae Yoon explains in his video of how his brother could not immigrate with them because he was not a minor, he was already 22 years old and he could not immigrate with them. I do not understand how people  who work at the government do not see how muych people who immigrate suffers. I know that it is the right of the country to be protected but with a simple interview of a family is enough to break your heart. I do not want to imagine how they leave everything behind and then cannot enter, making their effort worth nothing. Tae Yoon had a rough time in America he even says why can't we all be united as one. I believe just like any country America is a place for family and union no matter what race you have or no matter where you come from there should only be one love between everybody. The government should remember that people who immigrate with their children and family are immigrating for the best. They want a better life, they do not want anything else than that!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Journey to a New World!

My story based on events which none of you could ever expect by just moving to another country. My name is Lin Wen and this is my journey. As I grew in a small village in China named Yanshuo in Guanxi, China. This is a small village in China which there are many commercials but see my father wanted us to become important workers not like the rest of the village. My father worked his way out of China leaving us in this small village. He sent us letters of pictures from New York and other places. I always wanted to go with him but my mom always said not until we are verified and good enough to go. The big news came and I was 9 years old. We are going to America!

My father sent us a letter full of english words. I learned all of them in weeks, I was so excited to go to America and now I know a little english I am ready to go! My mother gave the house to my grandma and left all her stuff in charge with grandma. Mother and I walked to the city then took a train to Hong Kong. We stayed in Hong Kong and it was a dream which I never wanted to wake up. People, entertainment and music was everywhere! This was the first time I even heard a strange man named Bob Marley in a little coffee shop. Time runed out and it was time to travel to America!

We traveled my boat and I hated it. The wobbles, the water and just everything around was so boring. My mother told me that when we get there to never call her mother just call her by her name. I studied my list of english sentences. The most hardest was " I want to go to America to become a laborer and help me from the poorness in China". That sentence did get on my nerves. Now the time has come, we are finally in America! 

We first landed in a small island named Angel Island we were kept here for 3 weeks. I was interviewed so was mom. Wr finally got accepted as if this was a university and now we are in New York. My father and my mother works at a restaurant and I am going to school. School is tuff many people do not accept me. Racism is hard here but we will soon get along and every little thing is going to be allright!

China in America!

Jack Chen one of the immigrants...
Chinese immigrated to the US because the over population in China and most of them lived poorly and needed better jobs. They also wanted to live with their families in better places for more possibilities. Some also came to America for the "Gold Mountain". Others left China either as contract laborers or refugees. Most of their immigration purpose were similar to those of most immigrants of other countries. Most of them left from being peasents to become laborers.

Most of them had to travel by foot, boat, and trains. When they landed in America they had to be inspected in Angel Island and if they had good answers in their interviews they could enter America.They would have to wait weeks even months. While waiting they were put in bars and poor habitats. Some were sent back to China just because their interviews were not educated or did not have a good reason to immigrate.

First immigrants were received well in America. They were even working in good jobs. After the Gold Rush ended beacuse of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882. They were recruited to extract metals and minerals, also to construct railroads, build irrigation system and even in fishery. By the first period America had over 110,000 Chinese immigrants. However, Americans started to exclude them because of their good working skills. They ended up in poor jobs like laboring, shoecleaners, and grocery stores. Because of their segregation they made their own community called "Chinatown". Chinatown was a community in which they had all their rights with their culture and traditions.  With this they had their way out of the racism and seperation.

The segregation of the Chinese people was very wrong. Chinese immigrants had trouble to fit in at America but they worked their way out of there. It was unfair to make them go for so much pain not physically but mentally by seeing there children go through a lot. If I were one of this immigrants i would feel powerful for all the things I went through just to move. I would take this moment as a legend in my family because I had brought them to a better place. Immigration has been in this world since, well since the world started. People who immigrate have to take a challenge with their faith because sometimes you can do it but sometimes to immigrate is not for you.