Friday, February 18, 2011


Nestor...The Super Ultra Kuririn Blog!
What was interesting in nestor's blog was his heritage from where his family came from. Who knew he is party Italian. It was interesting how his ancestors come from Italy, France,and Germany. His artivle was also interesting because it is about a woman visiting for the fisrt time New York. It was good!

Itza...Computer Cat Blog!
I liked Itze's blog heritage because I did not know she was born in Mexico although I knew that her last name was Mexican. Out of the information I really like her blog's background it is cool I should make mines like that. Knowing that she was Mexican and half Spanish is different and the difference is unique!

Christian...Christian's World Blog!
His blog is just like mines. He does not have a mix rare fmily heritage it is Puerto Rican just like mines. I liked his video of Obama there is not much videos og Obama claiming about a better immigration proccess.

Christopher...Hay Luly Blog!
I liked Christopher's because the video is a conflict between illegal immigration. It was interesting!

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