Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Family...My Place!

How to start with my culture's immigration heritage? Well I was born here in Puerto Rico so was the rest of my family. I believe we all Puerto Ricans have indian and spanish heritage. Most of my mothers part of the family are pure Puerto Ricans, most of them come from Guayama, Patillas and Arroyo. My father's side is pretty much mixed because my father was born in Spain but he was raised in Puerto Rico. Living conditions of my ancestors have changed a lot for sure. They got their money by planting and raising crops but now everything has change to a more modern job i the city. Today we still live in Guayama and study here and my family works here, I hope we keep on like this.

See we Puerto Ricans immigrate to America for good education or to get money easier because here things are not easy. My father studied in Purdue because his profession needed good preparation. I know my father struggled with the racism and better competition but he needed this for a perfect lifestyle. Yes, he was un comfortable because it was a change in environment. From people to food, everything was different. He now works here in Puerto Rico as a vet. My mother's family most of them come from P.R. they where born, raised, studied and worked in P.R. They still do.

Puerto Rico as you know was first visited by Spaniards but way before Tainos ruled the land. Since this encounter we were mixed with Spanish, African and Taino culture. Immigration of Puerto Ricans to America had the same troubles that all other immigrants had. They were also judged by the color and they still are judged. My ancestors could be from Spanish heritage but there is a 85% is pure Puerto Rican.

My family is pretty united no matter the race or where you come from. There is no judgement here. We will stay in our Puerto Rico although problems come because we are true from where we are from. Puerto Rico " La isla del encanto" will never change so will our people!

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